The MoonLight is a modular pendant lamp that consists of a translucant spherical white (or black) form and a group of frills.
Each lamp is hand-casted and has a unique texture which creates a warm, ambient light. Used materials are natural cellulose fibers and kremenit, material similar to porcelain.
With wide range of minimalist frills, you can design both elegant and sophisticated variants as well as colorful and playful versions can emerge. There are nine leading colour combinations and six curated combinations of frills.
Moonlight can be presented as a single expressive lighting, table lamp, a spotlight or they can be set up in a striking group of diferent combinations. You can combine three different sphere sizes, S, M and L.
To complete the individual look of the lamp you can choose from twelve diferent textile cable colours.
Design year: 2017
Autor: Lučka Berlot
Material: kremenit, wood, metal
Color combination: mint, yellow, dusty pink, navy blue, coral red, white, black, monstera green, wood
Features: Lamp is modular, you can combine selected elements.
There are:
- nine leading colors
- three base sizes and
- six curated combinations.